Saturday, April 16, 2011

UPS Now Knows Where My Grandma Lives!

Thanks to my obsession with UPS visits my Grandma’s house more so than ever. The only things UPS delivered before I moved in were things that I ordered online for her. (You have to love Amazon Prime) Even though I’m unemployed some things are a necessity. Plus who else will keep consumer confidence up if I don’t?!

A couple weeks ago UPS delivered the new release CD by one of my favorite artists, The Boxer Rebellion. I was excited to get their new album, and my sister wanted to know why I was so excited. I told her about the CD. She said she had heard of the Boxer Rebellion. I told her I have all of their albums so maybe she saw them on my iPod or in my car. She pulled out my computer and found out why she knew about the Boxer Rebellion. She took an Asian studies class in college and learned about it. The Boxer Rebellion was a proto-nationalist movement by the “Righteous Harmony Society” in Northern China from 1899 to 1901. I guess you never know when your random college courses will come in handy.

Thanks God: Many of us do things and at the time we don’t see your purpose in it. Thank you God that you never forsake us and if we are open to you and your will we can see your hand moving in our lives.

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